
Incident Command System and Emergency Response Training Links

ICS-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System

ICS-200: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response

ICS-700: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

ICS-800: An Introduction to the National Response Framework

ER-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
FDA Classroom, Silver Springs, Maryland
ER-400: Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff
FDA Classroom, Silver Springs, Maryland
ER-220: Traceback Training
FDA Classroom
ER-220 Prerequisites:
TI01: Traceback Investigations 1: Introduction
TI02: Traceback Investigations 2: Point-of-Service Investigations
TI03: Traceback Investigations 3: Distributor Investigations
TI04: Traceback Investigations 4: Traceback of Eggs and Other Commodities
TI05: Traceback Investigations 5: Conducting the Investigation and Reporting the Result

CDC Environmental Assessment Training